Friday, May 6, 2011

Importance of eat healthy

Teens need more nutrients than adults because teens are a lot more physically active which means they need more nutrition in their body to keep up with their activities. They also need more nutrients than adults because their bodies are changing, such as going through puberty. Teens need more iron to provide the oxygen flow through their body but they also need more calcium to build up our bones strong and healthy. If teens don't take in enough calcium than as they grow older their bones will grow more fragile. Teens need to have a healthy diet in order to stay healthy and fit. The consequences of not having a healthy diet is having diseases such as diabetes or even a stroke. Eating healthy will provide nutrition to our bodies and minds.

Fruits and Vegetables

Everyone should be getting at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. They contain essential vitamins, minerals, and fibers that can protect you from diseases such as cancer. You should eat many colorful fruits and vegetables. Their appearance on the outside is beautiful, but the good stuff is all on the inside. Substituting unhealthy foods for fruits and vegetables can also help you with weight loss.

3 Day Meal Plan

Day 1:
Breakfast- Whole wheat toast, eggs, orange juice.
Snack- String cheese, banana
Lunch- Chicken salad, whole grain roll, milk
Snack- Celery with Ranch sauce
Dinner- Vegetable stir fry, with some chicken, salad, milk

Day 2:
Breakfast- Oatmeal, blueberries, and orange juice.
Snack- fruit or vegetable of choice
Lunch- PB&J sandwich, yogurt, fruit cup, water
Snack- Granola bar
Dinner- Salmon, brown rice, salad, milk

Day 3:
Breakfast- Bagel with cream cheese, apple juice
Snack- Nut trail mix with some M&M's
Lunch- Ham sandwich on whole grain bread, water, apple
Snack- Apple with peanut butter, 1 glass of water
Dinner- Chicken breast, mashed potatoes, salad, Milk

Dessert- two Chocolate chip cookies :D

*Do not worry you can always have a LITTLE treat after!!! Never deprive yourself of not having a small treat because that's not good for your health. Do not go overboard on the sweets though, thinking that it's okay to have more than what you know is okay.