Friday, May 6, 2011

3 Day Meal Plan

Day 1:
Breakfast- Whole wheat toast, eggs, orange juice.
Snack- String cheese, banana
Lunch- Chicken salad, whole grain roll, milk
Snack- Celery with Ranch sauce
Dinner- Vegetable stir fry, with some chicken, salad, milk

Day 2:
Breakfast- Oatmeal, blueberries, and orange juice.
Snack- fruit or vegetable of choice
Lunch- PB&J sandwich, yogurt, fruit cup, water
Snack- Granola bar
Dinner- Salmon, brown rice, salad, milk

Day 3:
Breakfast- Bagel with cream cheese, apple juice
Snack- Nut trail mix with some M&M's
Lunch- Ham sandwich on whole grain bread, water, apple
Snack- Apple with peanut butter, 1 glass of water
Dinner- Chicken breast, mashed potatoes, salad, Milk

Dessert- two Chocolate chip cookies :D

*Do not worry you can always have a LITTLE treat after!!! Never deprive yourself of not having a small treat because that's not good for your health. Do not go overboard on the sweets though, thinking that it's okay to have more than what you know is okay.

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